The entire range of services offered by SyselCloud is now based on computing technologies provided by HPE. Based exclusively on the concept of virtualisation, our datacenters are fully equipped with HPE Proliant DL servers in rack format.
The range offers a family of versatile, resilient, software-defined servers, suitable for diverse workloads, and controlled by a single infrastructure management solution.
Optimised for virtualisation and memory-intensive consumption, Proliant DL servers offer a suite of hardware-accelerated software-defined services that provide datacenter protection, telemetry and deep observability.
With high-performance computing capabilities, high-core processors running at high frequencies, high-speed, high-capacity memory, and access to high-bandwidth, low-latency PCIe 4 accelerators and high-speed interconnects, HPE servers unlock a whole new level of high-performance computing applications.
As a Cloud service provider, we need to manage a very large number of virtual servers requiring several hundred cores and several TeraBytes of RAM.
The dense and compact HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10+ server therefore offers a perfect and unique combination of professional capabilities that make it an ideal rack server platform for Cloud service providers with up to 128 cores and 4TB of memory per server !
This range of servers allows us to maximize the number of virtual servers per rack unit without compromising on performance.
HPE iLO allows us to configure, monitor and update our servers very easily from anywhere in the world.
In order to provide you with relevant knowledge about the health and performance of your servers, HPE iLO gives us the tools to troubleshoot and keep our datacenters running.
With the latest innovations in simplified operations, performance and security, HPE iLO makes it easy to manage our entire server environment. HPE iLO uses a fully Redfish compliant RESTful application programming interface (API).
This allows us to easily and securely manage today's Cloud and web-based infrastructures through a wide variety of HPE's operating and orchestration tools.
In addition, the HPE Proliant DL servers offer improved energy efficiency, allowing us to benefit from a significant reduction in the cost of power consumption. A powerful monitoring system and efficient technical support enable us to anticipate failures and replace any defective components quickly. All our servers are equipped with redundant components, allowing them to tolerate disk, memory or electrical failures without interrupting our services.

HPE physical servers
Physical hearts
Virtual machines