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The corporate communication solution

Fonctionnalités majeures sous forme graphique

Solution Features


Organize your conferences both internal and external with a single click, directly from Outlook. The participants will receive an invitation and will be able to join the session on time.

When the conferences are launched, each participant will also receive a reminder message to join the meeting in just one click.

SOLUTION hosted in Switzerland

Unlike the MS Teams solution which operates in the Microsoft Cloud and infrastructure, our Skype for Business instances and infrastructure are exclusively hosted in Switzerland.

Microsoft also operates two datacenters in Switzerland. However, the Cloud Act and Patriot Act remain enforced. It is therefore important for customers to understand the differences in service, particularly with regards to data sovereignty.

MS TEAMS integration

Add your favorite business applications directly into MS Teams via the integrated library and centralize your access to their benefits from SyselTalk.

The entire Windows 365 suite integrates natively with MS Teams, as well as an extensive list of business applications.

VIEW conferences

Use the recording feature of your web conferences to view them later for training purposes or in case a participant is absent.

With MS Teams, send the link to your correspondent so that they can view the content.


Simplify the management of your agenda by synchronizing your appointments and contacts on your different devices. Easily join your sessions even when you are on the move.

Find all your data, as well as video and audio-conferencing features on Skype for Business and MS Teams' mobile applications. Your calendars are also accessible from the application, allowing you to join your sessions in one click.

DATA backups

Backup all your conversations, attachments and documents that were shared during your MS Teams or Skype for Business discussions on our infrastructure.

Find all your exchanges and work on different shared documents. We can directly back up all your platforms and their respective contents.




Improve collaboration within your company with SyselTalk and reduce the number of email exchanges considerably.


Gather all the chat, presence, web conferencing and telephony functionalities in the same application.



A simple solution with no hardware investment on your side. Install the application, connect and collaborate.


Take advantage of the integration of SyselTalk in the Office ecosystem to join your conferences quickly.



Connect to the app from your smartphone, tablet or any compatible device to take advantage of SyselTalk's features.


Work from home without any complications. With SyselTalk, you can continue to collaborate efficiently from anywhere with ease. The only requirement is an internet connection.

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associate it with

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Your business continuity plan in case of major disasters

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The on-demand infrastructure to manage your own Cloud

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Automated backups of all your data

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Your secure virtual workplace, anywhere, anytime