A company is not the business of a single person.

It is first and foremost a team made up of several talents that add up and complement each other with a common project and objectives : to undertake, innovate and satisfy our clients.

Together we move forward !


Marc Boudriot

Marc Boudriot


Co-founder of AMC Design SA and Advances Informatique SA, he joined the management of LANexpert SA (VeltiGroup) in 1999, acquiring 10% of its capital before selling his shares in 2002. He founded Syselcom in 2003. Mr Boudriot is a graduate engineer from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC, France).

Jean-Michel Mélinand

Jean-Michel Mélinand

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

Jean-Michel Mélinand has a bachelor’s degree in business management and an MBA in International Business (IAE of Lyon). He held the position of Head of Internal Operations within the Hyatt International group. In 2005, he joined the GM Europe group as Head of Internal Sales for the Chevrolet brand. He then joined Lebara Mobile in 2007 as Sales Manager for French-speaking Switzerland. Mr. Mélinand joined Syselcom in 2012 to lead the commercial development of SyselCloud’s products.

Vincent Emery

Vincent Emery

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

Joined the company in 2004 as an IT Consultant. After more than 15 years of experience, he is now the CTO. He manages the maintenance and evolution of SyselCloud's products, equipment and datacenters and leads the engineering team to achieve its goals.


Killian Occelli

Killian Occelli

PreSales Manager

Joined the company in 2013 as an IT Consultant. As a result of his internal development and the experience he gained, he was responsible for the HelpDesk department for 4 years. Since the beginning of 2020, he has been part of the commercial department and has become responsible for the PreSales part of the company.

Emmanuel Tosi

Emmanuel Tosi

Infrastructure Manager

An engineering graduate of the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), Emmanuel Tosi joined the company in 2016 as a System Engineer. He has been responsible for all the company's Cloud infrastructures since 2022.

Sylvie Clot

Sylvie Clot

Accounting & HR

Joined the company in 2004 as Executive Assistant. Sylvie Clot is responsible for the accounting and human resources departments.